Tips on moving home with a dog

News at Waterfords | 19/06/2021

Tips on moving home with a dog

Do you find moving home stressful? It’s very likely you do, and this is only natural. Now imagine how your dog might feel!

In the weeks running up to the move, all aspects of your dog’s normal life will become displaced, from their normal routine to their belongings, even to the smell of their home.

Unfortunately, you cannot explain to them why everything they know is suddenly changing, but you can help to make the transition from one home to another less stressful for them, and here’s how you can do it.

As your trusted local estate agent in Camberley, Chobham, Fleet and Yateley, at Waterfords we make it our mission to ensure your move is as stress-free as possible. We are happy to try and help with any aspect of moving home and are always here to discuss concerns and offer advice relating to your house move. In this article we share some tips from our own experience when moving home with our furry friends.

Have someone look after them

If your dog is of a nervous disposition or if they are known to react badly to change in their normal routine, then you may want to consider placing them in the care of someone you trust for the duration of the packing and moving process.

If you do decide to go down this route, then make sure you choose a someone that you have either used before or a business that has been recommended by a friend or family member. The last thing you need is additional worry about your dog’s wellbeing when you are moving home.


Keep your dog safe

If you decide to keep your dog with you as you move, then on moving day itself you should shut your dog in a room within your home in which they feel most comfortable. Make sure they have access to water and feed them as normal. Your aim is to keep them as calm as possible and save them unease.


Choose a guardian

It can be a good idea on moving day to nominate one family member to care for your dog. This way you know that someone is always looking out for them and ensuring that they are safe and content throughout the moving home process.

It is also recommended that you keep your dog on a lead or in a secure cage when you move, so to minimise the risk of them escaping or running off.

Travel safely

It is advisable to transport your dog in a secure cage, however, if this is not possible, then ensure that they are safely fastened in your vehicle with a purpose-made seatbelt or dog harness.

You should never drive with your dog unsecured in the boot of your car or in the removal van as this can be extremely dangerous for them.

Always make sure your car is well ventilated especially if the weather is warm, and stop to give your dog a drink and comfort break if the journey is long.


Make your dog feel at home

Once you arrive at your new home, it is a good idea to transfer your dog’s scent into your new property before you let them in to explore. Simply gently rub a blanket or a cloth over your dog’s face and then transfer their scent into several areas of your new home.

Another easy way to make your dog feel at home is by unpacking their belongings, and by regularly feeding them and giving them treats and lots of fuss. This will help them associate their new surroundings with a positive and familiar activity.


Go for a walk when you are ready

Unlike with a cat, you can take your dog out for a walk to explore its new surroundings as soon as you want to. Although, even in suitable, off-lead open areas, you will probably want to keep your dog on a lead for the first few walks at least, just until both you and your dog are more familiar with the area.

You should also ensure that your dog is microchipped and that their contact details are up to date with your new address. A collar and tag with your name, new address and contact phone number are also essential in case the worse happens they go missing.


Discourage visits to your previous home

If you have not moved far away, you may find yourself walking similar routes with your dog and they may try and direct you towards your old property. This is not a good idea as you want your dog to bond properly with your new home, which can be made even more challenging if they are reminded of your old one!

Instead, focus on forming positive associations with your new house by feeding your dog frequent meals and giving them lots of attention, both when in your new home and when out and about in the local area. You should also focus on playing with your dog more than usual if possible and spend time grooming them (if they enjoy this!) so that they feel relaxed and at ease in their new surroundings.

Get in touch with Waterfords for more advice on moving home with your pets

For free and impartial advice in relation to moving home please contact our expert team at Waterfords Estate Agents on 01252 235348 and we will be delighted to assist you.